Introduction to Linear Regression
Let (Y,X,U)be a random vector where Y and U take values in R and $X$ takes values in Rk+1. Assume further that the first component of X is a constant equal to one, i.e.,X=(X0,X1,…,Xk)′ with X0=1. Let β=(β0,β1,…,βk)′∈Rk+1 be such that:
Y=X′β+U We can have that:
X1,…,Xk are column vectors, store data for specific variable k
Shape of Y, X′, β and U:
X′: n×(k+1)
β: (k+1)×1
β0 is an intercept parameter and the remaining βj are slope parameters.
Here, we got the basic structure of the Linear Regression.