For the Measure of Fit, we usually report R2
R2=TSSESS=1−TSSSSR where we have that:
TSS=∑1≤i≤n(Yi−Yˉn)2: total sum of squares
ESS=∑1≤i≤n(Y^i−Yˉn)2: explained sum of squares
SSR=∑1≤i≤nU^i2: residual sum of squares
Note that, for Yˉn, we have that Yˉn=n1∑i=1nYi=n1∑i=1nY^i
R2=1 if and only if SSR=0, i.e., U^i=0 for all 1≤i≤n.
R2=0 if and only if ESS=0, i.e., Y^i=Yˉn for all 1≤i≤n.
For the interpretations of these measures:
View n1∑1≤i≤n(Y^i−Yˉn)2 as an estimator of Var[Yi]
View n1∑1≤i≤nU^i2 as an estimator of Var[Ui]
R2 may be then viewed as an estimator of 1−Var[Yi]Var[Ui]
Replacing these estimators with their unbiased counterparts yields "adjusted" R2, which is
Rˉ2=1−n−k−1n−1TSSSSR As R2 always increases with the inclusion of an additional regressor, to deal with this problem, we should use "adjusted" R2: Rˉ2.